Tony “War Criminal” Blair’s proper successor.

    3 days ago

    These statements are so strange to me.

    They keep on saying how Ukraine cannot be allowed to lose, how they will not accept Russia disarming Ukraine (a basic precondition for peace with Russia at this point), etc.

    Then they say they’re going to put troops in AFTER and as part of a ceasefire. And this is after Russia has repeatedly rejected any ceasefires because they’d just be used for more Minsk Accord dishonesty and regrouping and re-arming. And specifically Russia has stated of peace that they will not permit standing NATO armies to occupy Ukraine as part of any peace, kind of part of the whole point of the conflict. Not only that, Russia emphasizes how peacekeepers are only legal with a mandate from the UN security council on which they have a veto.

    So who are these statements for? What’s the point?

    I’m a little concerned they’re not taking this opportunity to back down rhetorically to prepare their populations. Is it all kind of a thing to hang the blame on the US and claim that they were willing to send troops but that Trump lost Ukraine while they’re innocent? Is it just theater of some sort, some sort of cope which has no real deeper meaning? Is it some sort of salami-slicing, they plan to keep saying this then rush troops in after Ukraine unilaterally declares a ceasefire without Russian recognition and claim they were saying something else all those other times as Russia rains Oreshniks down on them?

    Why do they keep pushing this very specific and carefully crafted line?

    The amount of doubling down from Europeans is truly something. The 100 year security deal with the UK, the insistence that Ukraine not be disarmed. Is it just they want to bleed Russia more and force the Ukrainians to perform a full third reich fall of Berlin level of fanatical resistance that fights all the way back to the west and Lyiv?

    I could see this war going on easily for another several years which overlaps with the US timeline for attacking China while RAND says they still have a chance of victory.

      3 days ago

      So who are these statements for? What’s the point?

      Those are the scenic theatre for the new Iron Curtain to fall. Of course the repetition of the original one is impossible to happen with how the economies are linked in world today, as proven by how Europe still import resources from Russia, but it is a sign that they are absolutely shit-and-piss-pants terrified that their imperialist endeavours and neocolonialism is coming to an end and are trying to stop it from furthering by the only power they have left, soft power and media magic. Ukraine war has been catalyst of that change and its ending on Russia terms means the end of current Europe status quo, especially is US also pulls out.