U.S. President Donald Trump has ordered a suspension of all military aid to Ukraine, escalating pressure on President Volodymyr Zelensky mere days after a heated exchange in the Oval Office cast doubt on U.S. support for Kyiv.
A senior Defense Department official told Bloomberg that all U.S. military assistance to Ukraine is on hold until Trump determines that Ukrainian leaders are making a genuine effort toward peace.
The pause affects not only future aid but also weapons already in transit, including shipments on aircraft and ships, as well as equipment awaiting transfer in Poland.
Edit: changed source from Bloomberg to Kyiv Independent b/c there’s no paywall and more detail in the story.
US apparently also quit providing intel to Ukraine. Sorry for the Dutch link as source, best to use a browser translator on it.
Russians agent, we are all witnessing soulles pigs destroy democracy and the lifes of millions for their own gains
See, there is a strategy - u just tunnelvisioned and stuck in a cold war
I feel like the dumb from reddit is leaking into lemmy more and more. You’re a traitor to democracy if you think we shouldn’t fund and supply Ukraine
How is one a traitor to democracy for opposing unlimited funding and supplying of Ukraine?
If no one engages with the troll it with the troll it will get bored and leave.
US is broke, have u seen the debt numbers?
It went into unontrollable territory.
Payments for debt financing alone is as much as military spending. This is dumb.
US has no choice but to radically changeThese people cannot stand reason and logic, that’s why you’re getting downvoted.
Whats the strategy?
So the record currently stands at…
Zelensky - Let’s try a deal, we just need security guarantees
Trump - Why are you so Disrespectful?
Zelensky - Let’s try a deal, we just need security guarantees
Trump - Putin is a victim we’re undoing sanctions
Zelensky - Let’s try a deal, we just need security guarantees
Trump - Why won’t Zelensky do a deal?
Zelensky - Let’s try a deal, we just need security guarantees
Trump - We’re stopping Aid.
The US won’t provide the security guarantees Zelenskyy is asking for. He can try getting them from European countries though, but they do not seem willing to provide them either.
At least count I’m pretty sure the UK, Sweden, and Australia have all said they’d be willing to put troops into Ukraine for peacekeeping.
Yep. That pretty much summarizes it.
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How much more do we have to witness before we accept, as a society, that Donald Trump and the GOP are enemies of the United States of America, and act accordingly?
We are suffering and losing our position as a world leader because of a felon rapist traitor. When are we going to stop this?
- Joining and organizing within your local community to create connections with others is incredibly powerful, will lay the groundwork for effective resistance.
- We can effect things drastically with a general strike. This can massively impact their income streams, and can bring a government to its knees if done on a large enough scale.
- Join the IWW and attempt to unionize your workplace, so that the general strike is even more effective.
If we put in the work, we can resist this and we can win. Join up with allies while we still can easily!
When are we going to stop this?
When congress starts impeachment proceedings. Call your representatives. Listening you complain is their job.
Didn’t you guys try that before?
You can be impeached more than once. I think this would be his third time.
Yep that’s my point
It sounded like you were saying “You already impeached him, and he’s still president (so impeaching him again is a waste of time)”, but I could’ve misread you.
Have you decided what means are acceptable for resistance for yourself yet
Ohhhh man we’re gonna primary them so hard.
Who had ‘Trump Picks a Fight With Zelenskyy In Order To Justify Pulling out Of Aid Agreements- Thereby Allowing Russia To Walk On In And Take What They Want’ on their bingo card?
We all saw this coming, right? The whole bullshit forced argument he created… Tell me I’m not the only one that knew this was set-up to justify withdrawing all support and letting Russia have Ukraine.
Isn’t this more or less what T-bag said he would do?
You don’t know that, and I’m skeptical that Trump would go to that much trouble to come up with an excuse. He hasn’t needed an excuse to do anything else he’s been doing.
What I would expect Trump to do is just pull support and if anybody asks him why, say loudly “America First!!!”
It’s exactly how trump operates. See the threat he posted this morning to block federal funding to universities that “let students protest” - he’s going to block funding anyway, he just needs a plausible way to blame them for it.
Same thing here - a plausible way to blame Ukraine for withdrawing US support.
Plausible to maga anyway.
The US wouldn’t stop military aid to Israel while the IDF destroyed hospitals and killed children and journalists among many other war crimes. They will freeze aid to Ukraine as it defends itself in a war of conquest. Evidence suggests the USA would rather align with criminals like Putin and Netanyahu than war victims.
That really is a stark contrast. What do the apologetics say about this?
In my limited exposure to the ramblings of conservative acquaintances, they now consider Zelensky to be a “little dictator” who was rude to their favorite douches.
Regarding Israel, I think it’s something along the lines of “judeo-christian values” good, brown savages bad, and OH LOOK SOMETHING SHINY!! Sorry, you were saying?
Probably “we won, you lost, get over it” as if that’s how any of this works.
They won, all lost
until Trump determines that Ukrainian leaders are making a genuine effort toward peace.
They are literally shooting every Russian they spot on their soil, how is that not making a genuine effort toward peace?
He means “capitulate to the enemy”
They are literally shooting every Russian they spot on their soil
There are 8 millions russian speakers living in ukraine i hope these don’t count as “russian”
Only the Russian imperial narrative is so that Russians speaking people are considered Russians. There are Russian speaking people in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and in many -Stans, they are not Russians.
Not a very useful remark. The Ukrainian army is full of Russians speaking people.
There are ethnic russians there. What i’m pointing out is that “shooting every russian they spot” sounds racist.
I saw you around, and I know also you are Italian, so I will tell you in a way you understand. You are being a “puntalcazzista” to throw shade on Ukraine with vague racism claims. Anybody with a pulse will understand that “shooting every Russian on the spot” means “shooting every invader”, and that roughly would include also north Koreans or other ethnicities, should those set foot in Ukraine to assist Russian invasion. You are trying to claim an interpretation that doesn’t make sense, because - as I told you and you can easily verify - the Ukrainian army itself is full of Russian speaking people, who you might call “ethnic Russian” - whatever you think that means. So unless you are honestly suggesting that OP was suggesting Ukrainian army is also shooting on the spot to members of its own army, we both know what you are doing.
I saw you around, and I know also you are Italian, so I will tell you in a way you understand. You are being a “puntalcazzista” to throw shade on Ukraine with vague racism claims. Anybody with a pulse will understand that “shooting every Russian on the spot” means “shooting every invader”
You must be new here, people have been racist toward russians for a good time.
How exactly i’m throwing shade on ukraine by pointing out a racist generalization in comment?
You’re either not understanding the intent of their message or you’re willfully twisting it.
That’s what is being pointed out.
They’re clearly referencing the invaders, you misunderstood and took umbrage where you didn’t need to. Having been corrected you’re still pushing the idea that they were being racist.
You’re acting in bad faith.
You’re either not understanding the intent of their message or you’re willfully twisting it.
How i’m twisting anything? To me it looks like you are try to twist things here accusing me of being in bad faith when i simply pointed out yet another discrimination against “russians” as if they were all bad. Are you aware that there are russian people living in ukraine?
How many English speakers are there in the world. Are they considered English? Don’t be stupid.
Context clues, my friend.
That post is clearly referring to shooting Russian soldiers that have invaded.
And just to help you further, the adjective “Russian” in that sentence refers to the state for which the soldiers fight. So a “Russian soldier” could be some poor dude from North Korea who got shipped over.
To further aid understanding, look at the military of a diverse place like the United States. You will have “American soldiers” working side by side who have different ethnic backgrounds and were even born on other continents.
If USA were to invade mexico and someone would come up with the quote “they are literally shooting every american they spot on their soil” wouldn’t it sound odd?
Only if you ignore the context.
If I said “Mexico isn’t even trying to end this war” and you said “they are literally shooting every American that steps across the border!” it would not sound odd at all.
And it certainly wouldn’t sound bigoted against an ethnicity.
Are they wearing a Russian military uniform? Then they are an enemy combatant.
It’s really not that hard, dude.
Not every russian is wearing one
Ok? Ukraine is obviously not targeting civilians in their drone strikes so your point is completely moot.
Let’s hope they aren’t
The U.S. Military and the CIA must know what a threat to the country Trump is, right?
The military that he just dismissed the leadership of and replaced with his own people, and the CIA that’s directed by his people?
his own people,
of which are wildly incompetent
Here’s the pickle though. Wouldn’t it be reasonable if another administration get in power and then need to purge all these positions of pro trump people?
Like what happens next? it’s such a bleak world now.
They don’t intend for there to be a “next” administration.
Wouldn’t it be reasonable if another administration get in power and then need to purge all these positions of pro trump people?
Oh no! You have a great point for horror fans there.
I’d even say, it probably is somewhat necessary in order to resume administration. What a beautiful, postfactual dilemma:
The Reps fear an ideological, systemic witch hunt, which they use as an excuse to replace government workers. The new workers are ideologically aligned with the Reps, encouraged to assist the dismantling of non-Rep institutions and carry out the King’s will above and beyond the law.
Now when votes swing the other way, the new administration kind of has to revert some of this damage to assume functioning.
Which is where the circle closes; the prophecy fulfills itself. Now the Reps have evidence for their previously baseless claims. The whole system is locked in a back-and-forth mud wrestling of replacing workers based on ideology.
That’s the problem with the two-party system in the USA, in a full democracy this dynamic wouldn’t happen. This is the achilles heel of american democracy and the downfall seems to have begun.
We really needed something more akin to coalitions
“Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic ;that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter: So help you God?”
I don’t know that the CIA has ever given a shit about the United States.
Hell H.W. Bush was the son of a man that tried to overthrow the government and Ford appointed him to CIA director in the 70s.
Given how big a security leak the dipshit is, and he already got a ton of their agents in the field killed the first time around, it’s not so much them caring about the US, but then seeing a threat to their own power.
As far as I’m aware, the military, in the best case, will simply refuse to follow unlawful orders. There are formal processes to do so. That’s part of military culture and law. Whether that system will hold up to Trump is unknown. When he issues unlawful orders, will soldiers simply refuse to comply? Unknown.
But one thing is for sure. It’s not part of military culture to actively resist. There is no formal process for that to be protected or OK. That’s simply insurrection and rebellion.
Dictators fear military coups, that’s why people like Putin keeps them weak and fighting themselves
Sometimes I wish the US were what tankies say it is.
You wish the US to be a genocidal empire? poof nothing’s changed
I’m pretty sure Trump has proven every single tankie argument about the US.
Except that whole thing about Dems being just as bad, which is like 90% of tankie arguments about the US.
Trump treats white people like Obama treated Arabs.
It’s funny how much the tankies have in common with the liberal socialists. If only they weren’t so darn argumentative.
I have not a lot of knowledge how American politics work, but isn’t this for congress to decide? how is Trump so powerful? (sorry for my daft question)
The only remedy for abuse of power is impeachment, and that requires 50% +1 of the House of Representatives and 2/3 of the Senate. No president was ever convicted of impeachment charges. Democracy was only upheld by “norms and traditions” and with trump’s disrespect for that, this is where we are… Checks and Balances only works against a corrupt individual, doesn’t work against an entire party working together to destroy democracy.
It’s very illegal. He has already been impeached once for withdrawing military aid to Ukraine in his first term.
And you see where that got us.
how is Trump so powerful?
The Republican party controls Congress and they have abdicated their responsibilities to our Constitution and, by extension, the American people in favor of an authoritarian because they have accepted him as their leader, thus giving away their own power.
Our forefathers never expected Congress to give away its own power. Because it doesn’t really make any sense in the long term for them to do so.
We are experiencing a coup. Most Americans are too uneducated to understand this.
It is for Congress to decide such matters. It says so right in our constitution, but our Legislative branch has been ceding their ability to check Executive overreach for decades. Now, with a complicit Congress as the majority, they will never challenge Trump on anything he does, no matter how unconstitutional or illegal it might be. Same goes for the Judiciary as well, chock full of partisan hacks who bend and twist their interpretation of the language of the constitution to cherry pick a favorable ruling for anything that Trump does.
Basically, our system of checks and balances that are meant to keep one aspect of the government from becoming too powerful has been completely subsumed by ideologues who prefer monarchy to democracy. The executive now essentially has unchecked authority and is in full control of the government apparatus.
It isn’t daft. The Republicans since Reagan have pushed a fringe legal theory called the Unitary Executive Theory. Basically, they want the president to fully control the executive branch and military such that theirs is the only voice that matters for much of the government. Not unlike a king, but partially checked by congress and the courts. They have been taking (illegal) actions to try to get sued, and also have been suing others/other branches of government, to try to get the Supreme Court to hear cases that will support this fringe legal theory so that it becomes the law of the land.
I am not a lawyer, but this is possibly something Trump can legally do since he is Commander in Chief of the armed forces. However, this seems more like an apportionment thing, which is Congress’ responsibility. Congress has allocated funds to send military aid to Ukraine. So, even if Trump as Commander in Chief could say “no more weapons to ukraine”, it seems doubtful to me that he could (legally) stop weapons shipments currently en route.
But, by the time whatever government office sues the office of the president to get a judge to enjoin them to send the agreed upon weapons that were already apportioned, it will already have hurt Ukraine somewhat. Trump often weaponizes inefficiency. And these sort of illegal acts aren’t crimes per se - they’re just procedural breaches - the legal remedy is just to reverse the action.
So, probably not legal. But Trump gets to weaponize his administration’s incompetence (or feigned incompetence) to at least delay aid. More competent people may support these actions, knowing they’re illegal, to try and strengthen the president’s role even further.
Wow! Thanks so much for this reply! this is very helpful, thnx a lot
The answer is simpler than that: the “checks and balances” system is a facade created to prevent meaningful progressive policy from passing. There’s a reason why Trump can modify a billion laws from day 1, but poor Biden couldn’t possibly do anything to codify abortion as a right or prevent the bombing of children in Gaza.
The answer is simpler than that: the “checks and balances” system is a facade created to prevent meaningful progressive policy from passing.
Checks and Balances always work in favor of the more evil side.
The “Good Guys” would respect the checks of balances, making it harder to enact good policies. The “Bad Guys” would just ignore all this, and just use executive orders for everything, as we can see this administration doing right now.
Checks and Balances can only prevent corrupt individuals, it prevents one branch from becoming evil, not an entire party that has taken over all 3 branches of government, and working together to destroy democracy.
This isn’t quite right. Trump didn’t really modify laws. That isn’t even something he can claim to do since he is the head of the Executive branch, not the Legislative one. He issued executive orders, many of which were illegal, and he had some cronies who enacted some of them anyway - others did not enact some of these, and others were not really actionable (like when he declared that no one has a gender). He did rescind many policies, but he can’t just make laws go away on his own. There are literally hundreds of court cases currently challenging these executive orders - seeing as how the judiciary is the primary check on the executive branch, that is the system working to check presidential power.
However, I am not a liberal, I am a socialist and do not think this is working well - there are many problems here. The highest levels of the judiciary have been largely captured by far-right judges, many of whom are specifically aligned with Trump’s goals and support the unitary executive theory. Also, this method of checking presidential power is extremely slow. For every illegal action Trump’s administration takes, a court case has to be crafted, filed, heard, and adjudicated. Every one. And invariably, some will not reach the correct outcome and others will never actually be taken to court - there are just too many.
Basically, the administration is using the fact that they control every branch of government to dismantle or capture core government agencies and to provide cover for various illegal actions - forcing them through if only temporarily for various political and structural ends. A soft coup, basically. So yeah, the fact that something like this is possible is proof of the flaws inherent in this system of government.
Republicans hold the majority in congress, so they’re refusing to push back and are just allowing him to usurp power from them.
Thnx for your reply! i understand that, but it seems nothing goes via congress?!
Congress is a check and balance to executive power, just like the judicial.
They are not checking or balancing his power. So they are in effect, impotent.
I would love to see everyone just start ignoring Trump and everything he says and just keeps doing their job.
Just as his master told him.
The US media still does not dare to call Trump a Russian agent, despite him showing all symptoms.
There has been no single Russian attempt to destroy the US being as successful as putting their own agent into the White House, right into the Oval Office.
This is so cool. STOP FUNDING WAR.
Guess what. War is gonna happen regardless. Except now the Ukrainians are going to have a harder time fighting back, while the russians start their pogroms.