Does Canada have any ability to limit power from hydro sources to the US, if we provide such?
We need to go hard against a bully, make it more painful than they expect, in order to force re-negotiations.
-credit to nedroid for strange art
Does Canada have any ability to limit power from hydro sources to the US, if we provide such?
We need to go hard against a bully, make it more painful than they expect, in order to force re-negotiations.
Thank you for your support. If you live outside the US/Canada, please urge your local politicians to open negotiations for expanded trade with Canada and Mexico to reduce all of our reliance on the USA until this horrible administration is gone.
I am so glad our government (Canada) hasn’t immediately rolled over.
Say what you want about Trudeau, his speech tonight was pretty good and presented a strong response. Kudos to the speech-writers.
I’ll live on local food (and cheap rice, beans from non-US sources) as much as possible for as long as it takes. Looking forward to seeking out “Made in Canada” labels while shopping in the months to come.
This is the sort of resistance we need, no more ‘decorum’ to a fascist leader. He won’t respect international norms so he deserves the benefit of none himself.
Just like the world assured Ukraine it could give up its nukes and nothing bad would happen, right?
No one should ever trust the US for anything, for a long long time.