Unfortunately I think it’s part of the plan, which is to help Russia as much as possible.
Unfortunately I think it’s part of the plan, which is to help Russia as much as possible.
You forgot the headline.
EU (Denmark) here, France has independent intelligence from USA, maybe we should work with them more instead?
This is absolutely the right decision.
This speech reflected nothing that is like Trump.
He defends EU (the closest alliance France is in) This is contrary to how Trump behaves towards allies.
He also strongly defends democracy, also very contrary to how Trump behaves.
Being afraid of something that is evidently harmful and dangerous is not a phobia.
So the only thing remaining is that he may be homophobic, which is irrelevant in this context. And yes he absolutely sounds a lot more reasonable than Trump.
Wow that was a really good speech, and everything he says is true!
Yes France was right all along, we need an EU military army and military cooperation.
I personally now have to admit that I was wrong on that point.
Oh no!!! $10 would make the whole country explode. We just want a new administration, not chaos. 😋
PS: American gas prices makes my head hurt, how many liters are in a gallon?
Ah well here we go:
1 gallon is 3.79 liter.
1 USD is 0.941 Eur
So 4.5 x 0.941 / 3.79 = €1.12 per liter.
That’s almost half of here, so bringing it to $10 would only make it slightly more expensive than most European countries.
I think Canada can do that. 🍻
Thanks, 👍
For some reason it doesn’t have the play logo in the center or lower left corner, as videos usually do, which is why I missed it skimming.
The “play” logo is clearly visible on your screenshot, but not here with dark mode.
So please tell me where in that article is the link to a video of the full speech?
Because I skimmed it again, and I still can’t find it!!!
It has 7 big photos, and is 5 pages on my monitor. It may be there, or you may be full of shit IDK, and honestly, I don’t even care, because you are obviously too dense to get the point.
That’s just nonsense, the “link” in question was the speech by Trudeau.
“This” link is an article about it. Obviously the 2 are not the same thing.
I already answered I skimmed the article, and didn’t see a link to the full speech. With these things links to short cutouts are not uncommon. And instead of EVERYBODY wasting time looking for it, I politely asked for the link.
I personally try to ALWAYS provide a link if I have it, for convenience in similar situations.
The point of LMGTFY is to obnoxiously remind someone that they are on an internet box and can easily find things themselves.
You wrote specifically yourself that this was a MUST SEE!
then you want everybody who takes you up on it to search for it, Instead of you providing a link.
The one that was lazy here was you, and not me for asking politely, for that exact reason.
I looked but couldn’t find it.
Your stupid link also doesn’t work, shows an animation of a search without any result???
Thanks for being arrogant about it though.
Oh the stupid page doesn’t work in dark mode, and you have to wait for the idiotic animation: 🤡
I was politely asking for the link, no need for this bullshit!
You were the one who claimed it’s a must see, and then not provide the link to see it!!!
Trudeau’s speech is 100% essential listening.
A link to that would be appreciated.
USA has become the enemy of democracy, NATO and traditional allies. But I’m sure EU and UK will be happy to strengthen relations, trade and even defense cooperation.
It may not be as convenient as having a big neighboring friend, but hopefully dampen the cost to Canada, while USA will have no such opportunities that I can see.
As long as this continues, it means the USA is an enemy, not just Trump and his administration, but USA as a whole.
I recommend that Canada block all oil exports to USA, this will increase gas prices at the pump, and Americans hate that.
Our (Denmark) defense minister Troels Lund Poulsen just stated that this will. have significant impact on Ukraine’s ability to defend itself.
OK that’s true, but how was this outcome not viewed as extremely likely already when Trump was elected?
It’s a bit late to act surprised now, we had hoped it wouldn’t get to this, but everybody with more than 2 brain cells absolutely 100% expected this could happen.
At least it looks like Europe and Canada is taking this serious, and has prepared to increase aid for the past 2 weeks. But it should have been at least the past ½ year!!!
USA can currently not be considered an ally of Europe, or even NATO, and they are traitors to democracy. This is NOT just Trump, it is America as a whole!!!
We don’t call Russia an ally just because they have nukes.
If USA lift sanctions on Russia, they are working against NATO interests, and against a world of law, and against democracy.
That cannot be an ally of Europe, and we shouldn’t sugarcoat it.
In Europe many leaders still claim USA is our most important ally. I wonder if they say it.hoping it will make it true, or if they really still believe it?
Why do you think in the 50s and onward Americans had a massive a massive golden age of prosperity
Because the rich were taxed 90%, and women began to work during WW2 as part of the war effort, and kept doing it after.
The leader of the Greens, who are currently polling at 2.7%, reiterated their proposal that Norway should pledge €85.5 billion to Ukraine.
This is unlikely to go through, but it’s very nice to see the green pushing boundaries, that absolutely can be pushed if there’s a political will to do it.
That amount is HUGE!! And alone would almost match USA total contribution throughout the war, both civil and militarily.
Norway is among the largest donors to Ukraine. We have so far committed at least NOK 167 billion (€14.7 billion) in support until 2030,
So Norway has already decided to give more than they did in the past.
We currently have a proposal in the Storting to increase support by 100 billion Norwegian kroner this year," Sveinung Rotevatn, deputy chair and responsible for financial policy in the Liberal Party, told Euractiv.
This is equivalent to €8.6 billion, this is a very big donation when seen per capita, although Norway is very rich, Norway is still a relatively small country.