These hemorrhagic-fever like outbreaks (like Ebola and Marburg) usually don’t spread too far because of how dramatic the symptoms are and of how quickly they usually kill patients: here “death occurs within just 48 hours of the onset of symptoms”.
“However, here, it is concerning that we have hundreds of cases and over 50 deaths, with hemorrhagic-fever like symptoms widely reported among those cases.” - Michael Head. Current estimate of a “fatality rate of 12.3 percent” is of course a major problem locally, tho that % could be completely wrong.
If there are few or no asymptomatic carriers, and the incubation is period is short, then it’s unlikely to be like COVID-19.
Bird flu is still big concern - and potentially the solution to omnicidal anthropogenic climate change.
While the temperature forecast is for 33 ºC, the heat index in the capital yesterday was up to 41. Forecasts for the next 2 days, are up to 40 on the heat index in the capital. Yesterday the heat index was over 40 in several other areas, with a maximum of 45. https://www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/weather/heat-index
If you don’t want to be complicit in causing a mass extinction event by making the biosphere unlivable, then by far the most important thing to do is to not contribute to human overpopulation which is the biggest and root cause of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change as well as the biggest other atrocities.