You die twice. One time when you stop breathing, and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody damns your soul for the last time.

  • Hafez Al-Assad
  • 0 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2024

  • There are videos emerging of people’s homes being invaded purely bc they are Alawites. There are videos of children being shot in the fucking face and bodies being piled up by the regime.

    I know there were cases of sectarian attacks against Alawites and those happened after the armed groups attacked general security forces there and didn’t come out of nowhere (that doesn’t justify them). There’s still so much hatred between Sunnis and Alawites, and when the attacks happened people from all around Syria mobilized to help the army. Many of them saw that as an opportunity to take revenge. The government stopped these mobilizations to majority Alawite areas, but their response was very late.

    There are claims of security forces committing crimes and uploading videos of them, I have no doubt that such things could’ve happened, but all I’ve found is pictures of people who were allegedly executed. When this operation started a member of the army was arrested for sectarian chants and the government has promised to follow up on all the crimes committed during the operation.

    How long are you people going to deny that jolani is a monster? How many of those being executed in the streets are actually just people fighting to survive against a vile islamist terror regime and not part of some assad conspiracy?

    I am not denying anything. Jolani headed terrorist group after terrorist group and his forces committed many crimes before their sudden rebrand. Since they overthrew Bashar their statements and actions have been moderate and they don’t seem to be targeting or discriminating against any sects. A timeline for a new government and presidential elections give you some hope, but I may just be very delusional.

    How long are you and your terror sympathizing cult followers going to keep up this “assadist insurrection” narrative?

    Until these ambushes and attacks stop being headed by the previous regime’s officers (Who still boast about their crimes) and supported and instigated by Iran.

  • Not one letter of what I “pasted” is from Wikipedia. In fact there’s not an article about this guy.

    Anyways my point here is that pro-Assad forces are fighting in Syria and while I don’t know what the people of the Sahel think of the government, it doesn’t seem like this is just them suddenly deciding to stop the “extra judicial murders” which I am sure you have plenty of proof for.

    This is the result of outside influence and is relying on criminals who either do this or get dragged to court is my point. I am not saying there are no Alawites who are so dissatisfied by the new government that they’d join such movements, but there wouldn’t be enough of them to cause this much trouble without some outside help.