You do know that Wales is one of the most deprived parts of the UK, right?
Sure… It might have a higher standard of living than Sudan, but helping break people out of a capitalist debt trap is a good thing.
Not as good as systemic change, but that’s not going to come from anyone you’ve heard of. So why not take the fact that material conditions have been substantially improved for many?
Could be peachy, we won’t know since their self governance and ability to have their own Tibetan characteristic revolution has now been completely quashed.
I linked the other comment for a reason. If Tibetans and people from that culture don’t seem to think it’s a big deal, I’m inclined to agree them rather than trample over them because they’re backwards ignorant savages who don’t understand things.
Obvioisly though, coerced child adopting isn’t a good thing. But it is much down in the other PRC regions and Nepal too, I don’t see why that trend wouldn’t’ve applied to an independent Tibet.
Part of opposing imperialism is to be against it whenever it happens. If you’re only against imperialism when one said does it, your not anti-imperialism, you’re just anti-that other side.