They are definitely the controlled opposition. In some cases it’s the same sponsors and in other cases it’s not. It’s a slightly more benevolent but also more elitist bunch of oligarchs funding the Democrats. There is more overlap in corporate interests though.
I’m quite familiar with Biden’s accomplishments. How much of that won’t be undone by Trump? It’s no good to make what are really minimalist gains if you are going to throw the next election to a fascist. Biden certainly was an improvement over what we had with Obama and Clinton. So what?
The sad fact is that the Democratic party oligarchs just figured out the populist mood the country is in and gave Biden permission to loosen the reigns a bit. So he partially turned back just a few of the things we lost over the last 50 years. Income inequality continued getting worse though. That cannot continue if this country is going to survive, and neoliberals are incapable of doing anything that doesn’t make it worse somehow.