GDP is largely a bullshit metric anyway.
Two economists are walking in a forest when they come across a pile of shit.
The first economist says to the other “Ill pay you $100 to eat that pile of shit.” The second economist takes the $100 and eats the pile of shit.
They continue walking until they come across a second pile of shit. The second economist turns to the first and says “l pay you $100 to eat that pile of shit.” The first economist takes the $100 and eats a pile of shit.
Walking a little more, the first economist looks at the second and says, “You know, I gave you $100 to eat shit, then you gave me back the same $100 to eat shit. can’t help but feel like we both just ate shit for nothing.” “That’s not true”, responded the second economist. “We increased the GDP by $200!”
If you’re into that kind of fake tit, dead in the eyes kinda thing…which I’m not.
Boebert is the shadow land version of AOC. My apologies to Naomi Klein.