I anticipate Rubio will try to lean on Macron to change their tune. I do not expect the tactic to work. I do expect the French to (rightly) tell us to fuck off in an interesting and amusing way.
I anticipate Rubio will try to lean on Macron to change their tune. I do not expect the tactic to work. I do expect the French to (rightly) tell us to fuck off in an interesting and amusing way.
Wow, so that’s an unambiguously evil play. Not surprising, but still.
Fords an absolute asshole, and this is a stopped clock situation. But let’s take the win. This is a policy change in the right direction.
From a southern neighbor: sorry about the smell and the noise. We are busy shitting the bed, and we’re just getting started.
lol yeah their navy has “army” in its name. Their blue-water capability is simply not in the same league as the USN.
But also, if they wait a few years, I’m sure our military will start to fracture and esprit de corps and morale will largely evaporate because they’re all sick of shooting at other Americans.
That’s a very different context and you know it. That’s resource scarcity and triage. What’s happening now is we’re switching teams to the bad guys.
Lmfao this is gonna be a time.
Hold on to your butts, fellow meatbags.
Well, more to the point: it’s like the US canceling Lend-Lease for the USSR right before the battle of Stalingrad.
American here: genuinely, go for it. If you want to be even more highly targeted, you can also take a page out of Canada’s book: they’re encouraging people to target things that are produced in red states specifically, in addition to a general push for a boycott. Bourbon (from Kentucky), for instance.
Right? I have been consistently underwhelmed at how… well, flaccid Scholz has been on the European leadership front. Dude comes off like he wants everything signed in triplicate before he’s willing to consider appointing a discussion board to evaluate possibility of thinking about making a decision.
I’m not the biggest fan of Merz by any means, but credit where it’s due - it’s fantastic that he specifically and unambiguously called this out on the geopolitical stage.
In point of fact, the Russian Federation is neither communist nor socialist. It’s an authoritarian/fascist state that pays lip service to the appearance of a constitutional republic.
That’s not a “no”
Well fuck me, he’s gonna try to regime change Zelenskyy.
EU, and particularly UK, France, Germany, and Poland: pay the fuck attention. Stop assuming my government is your ally. It’s not anymore. I hope we can be again someday, but you REALLY need to wake the fuck up on this shit. We are switching teams. You’re ignoring that at your existential peril.