Yes, and I’m very scared how many people mistake his attempts at appeasement as “peace”. What can be done? People are actually buying that Zelensky doesn’t “want peace”.
Yes, and I’m very scared how many people mistake his attempts at appeasement as “peace”. What can be done? People are actually buying that Zelensky doesn’t “want peace”.
I was on a Viber call with my cousin when this missile was flying towards my hometown, where she lives now. We were both crying as she was getting the notifications saying how many seconds are left until it hits.
I’m very disturbed at how many people don’t realize what appeasement does and that when Trump says “peace” he means “appeasement”. I’m afraid that too many people don’t realize this or are scared of WWIII (which means, let someone else die, not me). Why don’t people realize the consequences ofof appeasing Russia? What can be done about this?
bUt wE hAvE oUr oWn PrObLeMs. tHiS dOeSn’T cOnCeRn Us.
Fucking shameful and depressing. Makes me realize that slogans like “never again” are not at all realistic because they’ll always be idiots who think shit doesn’t concern them, until it does.
Yea, it’s a shame that the American people elected this clown to represent them. I’m really heartbroken they/we didn’t choose better.
You’re right. I just wish there was a way to change that narrative. I’m worried that too many people buy into it. I’m worried that too many people are buying into the whole “I just want bloodshed to stop” sayings.