The US isn’t a democracy though, it is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, where every election we get to select which group of oppressors will wield state power against us until the next one.
Yes that truly one of the opinions of all time.
The US isn’t a democracy though, it is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, where every election we get to select which group of oppressors will wield state power against us until the next one.
Yes that truly one of the opinions of all time.
No, I really have no clue what you mean by that because you’re implying Putin’s role is far larger than it actually is.
I’m asking a very simple question. Were there words in there that you didn’t understand?
When he steps down, it’s most likely that it’s going to be Medvedev that replaces him.
This already happened. Putin was still in charge, and came back when the pretense of not being in charge was no longer necessary. What reason is there to believe Medvedev is next in line and that everyone else will just go with that when Putin is dead? Yes I’m saying dead because dictators don’t have retirement plans lol.
You evidently have absolutely no clue about Russian politics.
Ah yes, the last refuge of the loser who can’t answer a simple question. You’re dancing around the question because your ridiculous claim that Russia is “stable” falls apart immediately when the fact that this question has no clear answer is considered. It’s your ridiculous opinion dude. You can change it for free.
Not sure what you mean by that.
You know exactly what I mean by that. Who runs Russia after he dies and how will that person be selected? Until you can answer that question, your claims of Russia’s “stability” will remain ridiculous.
This argument is dependent on Putin being immortal.
Democracies grant immense power to the electorate. Including the power of suicide. Democratic systems are inherently capable of ending themselves because ultimately their survival depends on enough people believing in the system and holding the integrity of the system to be more important than any particular democratic outcome. That is lost in the US. Most voters don’t care.
That truth alone makes a decent argument for US being in decline. It will take a long time , but it’s beginning.
It fits on with what I thought would happen when all the genocide Joe people were insisting things couldn’t get worse. Netanyahu has a direct interest in involving the US as deeply as possible into his conflict (yes it can get deeper) while maintaining a stranglehold on US politics . Ultimately this is a short term play. He helped Trump win , but Trump is destabilizing the US to the extent that long-term Israel is going to lose its one absolute ally.