Dude, I have an i5 8600k with a RTX 3070, using Arch. There is nothing to fear, yes I had issues some time ago when I had the GTX 1080 but not any more. I’m even using Hyprland. Give it a try on another with another disk.
Dude, I have an i5 8600k with a RTX 3070, using Arch. There is nothing to fear, yes I had issues some time ago when I had the GTX 1080 but not any more. I’m even using Hyprland. Give it a try on another with another disk.
What the fuck are they talking about, what were they executing? The governments decide what to do, the WHO provides guidelines and recommendations. Germany provided the injections quite late, Mexico went for the Chinese and Russian which were rushed…
The expectation that doctors have magic powers and can cure every illness is stupid. Most treatments are just your body doing it’s thing while you support from the sidelines and the doctor is telling you what to scream. Even the Covid vaccine is teaching your system to fight it…
I like that now games try to fitt within the capabilities of handhelds, which I see as a win-win situation. Games focused on gameplay rather than aesthetics and better optimization for games.