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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 17th, 2024


  • This is a difficult thing because in theory burning books is not illegal, a person is allowed to buy a book and burn it. So making it illegal to burn this specific book sends signals of Islamification of the law but context is important here. This book means very much to Muslims, not just in the obvious religious way but personally, individuals will remember their grandfather teaching it to them when they were a child. This makes burning it very emotional, it is like someone burning a photograph of your mother outside your house just after she died. It is true that burning pictures is not illegal but the context here is emotive to the point of incitement. It is not Islamification to view this book as a special case, it is about honouring beliefs you do not share and respecting other people.

  • I was waiting in a maternity ward while my wife was having our daughter, the waiting area was surrounded by rooms filled with women giving birth so I had constant screaming on all sides of me. To distract myself I was reading one of the magazines they provided, an article on two women hiking in the Alps and I somehow managed to get a nasty papercut on my tongue. I went to find a nurse to ask for a painkiller and I was explaining to her how I knew she was busy and would not have asked only the pain was very bad and she just smiled and walked away. I thought she was going to get me a pill but she just walked over to a group of other nurses and said something to them and then they all laughed and looked over at me.