“In dprk the people push mig 21s” - yeonmi park
“Woooow, that’s crazy” - Joe rogan
“In dprk the people push mig 21s” - yeonmi park
“Woooow, that’s crazy” - Joe rogan
Oh yes, I agree completely on all these things. I was also hinting at his conciliatory tone which led to all this and that using the force necessary to protect the country that gets you labeled a “dictator” by the west and ironically gulf state outlets like al jazeera. Apologies if I initially missed your point but my goal was to add to it, not interpret it if that makes sense.
On another note, you can’t hate the gulf states enough. Just what the uae is doing in Sudan condemns them to hell.
Accidentally hit the big red button on the f16 that says “murder civilians”. Happens to the zios all the time.
If he is going to be accused of being a dictator anyways, may as well do dictator things to protect religious and other minorities.
Fuck al jazeera and the qatari regime. Assad linked my ass. I have seen massacre upon massacre today and al jazeera and sectarian extremists just keep saying assadist to mean anyone not wahhabist.
Most definitely. And as other posters here have pointed out, he was incompetent and was desperate for acceptance from the gulf states who are more loyal to the imperialists than their own people. Just tons of stupidity and missteps.
Still miles better than rhe head choppers but that’s not saying much.