• LateGreatHannibalLecter@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    How interesting. I’ve always suspected that I have autism and I sort of grew up in California and recently moved to the south due to circumstances beyond my control. There definitely seems to be a vibe in the bay area that doesn’t mesh with me, like idk but people there seem very superficial and “other” compared to me. I lived in the central valley though so I never really became immersed in it but Santa Cruz in particular seems like a very small social club of neurotypicals who make surfing and ketamine overindulgence and being a flaming douchebag their entire personality while making fun of outsiders, which aside from the skating and bi-daily DMT use and making sure you drive a 1998 Subaru to symbolize your tribal membership is pretty textbook neurotypical behavior. On the other hand though, now unfortunately living in one of the red areas of the map in Alabama, I’ve found that the people here are downright cruel. Nearly every interaction I have here leaves a bad taste in my mouth and makes me want to get back at them in the same passive aggressive way they try to fuck with me. I feel like I’m surrounded by sociopaths here. I guess moral of the story is that the vast majority of humans, autism spectrum or not, are trash and deserve bad things to happen to them. Karma isn’t real sadly.