Who? An illegal criminal?
Who? An illegal criminal?
I used the Google Translate function on my Android phone. It rewrites the text in another language, in this case English, and there are slight differences in the font because of that process.
Elon’s probably on Krokodil
As opposed to the legal kind.
Yeesh, I started it in the post. Corrected.
Lol I thought the same thing
Trump said it so…
They probably love him.
y cocaina amigo.
We ought to get rid of that minus one time zone - nobody’s using it.
Actually I think I don’t understand the concept. I think some of the guys in the other time zones might be using the minus one but be wrong.
Damn this is confusing.
Yes. Eddie izzard mentioned that Stonehenge was built after strawhenge and stickhenge got blown down by wolves.
It’s not my work + I didn’t think of it
Why are you telling me which states have no data?
I thought this was about corn?
It’s anyone’s guess, but Trump’s an idiot.