Thank you! This is pure gold!
Thank you! This is pure gold!
As Europeans, we have a duty to learn the Canadian national anthem and sing it to the heavens! Let our collective voice move the continents themselves!
YES!!! DO IT!!!
Great… wonderful…
I hope the ceasefire will stick, but I expect Putin to continue pulling a Putin.
Well… crap…
Pretty much, yeah… It’s Swiss cheese all the way down, I swear, nothing but holes… We’re in for some interesting times, that’s for sure.
This is just where the work begins, because at least now we’ve been graced with a relatively safe display of exactly how vulnerable our State is. And with the mounting deluge outside, things’ll just get rougher and rougher.
We really have to be careful about this, because I think we just got lucky this time.
As a Romanian (and an Agnostic), thank Christ…
Bhah! Good.